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How To Remove Carpenter Bees From Your Columbus Property


When you see a bee flying around your yard, what's your first reaction? You'll likely try to get far away to avoid being stung, or you might even welcome the sight because many bees are beneficial to the environment. But, while bees play an essential role in the ecosystem as pollinators, some bees in Columbus cause significant problems for homeowners. The carpenter bee is one of these more problematic species because it can damage wooden items.

Carpenter bees don't eat wood, but they do bore holes into it to build nests. Over time, they can harm the wooden elements of your home and outbuildings. We've put together this helpful guidebook to help you prevent and remove carpenter bees.

The Role Carpenter Bees Play For The Environment

Carpenter bees, like other bee species, drink nectar from plants. As they go from plant to plant, they pollinate vegetation, allowing plants to reproduce. The honey bee also plays a role in the environment through honey production. The carpenter bee, however, does not. No other bee except the honeybee makes honey.

But, while carpenter bees are good for the environment, they aren't great to have around your property because of the damage they cause.

Why You Don't Want Carpenter Bees Hanging Around Your Property

Of all the wood-destroying insects in Columbus, carpenter bees are, thankfully, the least troublesome. While they build their nests in wood, they generally only bore into soft, weak, or water-damaged items. And, unlike many other bees, they are a solitary species. They don't live in large, social nests, so individual female bees build their nest cells. Overall, carpenter bee damage is less extensive than that of termites or carpenter ants, but you could still end up needing to repair siding, decks, or outbuildings.

The other question many have is whether or not carpenter bees sting. While some stinging insects in Columbus are more aggressive, bees are not. Carpenter bees are one of the least aggressive, and the males of the species don't even have stingers.

How To Make Your Property Less Attractive To Carpenter Bees

While carpenter bees aren't likely to sting you, it's still important to remain cautious. Some people are allergic to bee venom, so it's always best to be safe rather than sorry. To keep carpenter bees away from your Columbus property, the team at 1st Response Pest Management suggests following these steps:

  • Treating wood on decks, sheds, and outbuildings with paint, stain, or varnish
  • Eliminating water-damaged lumber from around the yard
  • Storing firewood at least 30 feet away from the exterior of the house
  • Reducing access to bird feeders and pet food.
  • Removing excess flowering plants
  • Cleaning up standing water from the property

Finally, you can contact the bee control experts at 1st Response Pest Management for stinging insect prevention.

The Safe And Effective Way To Get Rid Of Carpenter Bees

Carpenter bees can damage your property, and they can sting. So, they aren't a pest you'll want hanging around. Luckily, it's easy to prevent and eradicate carpenter bees with help from the Columbus pest control professionals. Call 1st Response Pest Management to request a quote or book an inspection of your property.